Parasitic infestations often go unnoticed. And the first symptoms of worms in humans are non-specific, so the affected person does not go to the doctor for a long time. Thus, the patient may think that he is overworked, that he suffers from gastritis or poisoning, that he experiences aggravation of allergies or arthritis.
How to suspect the appearance of worms
Signs of helminths in the body depend on the type and localization of the parasite. Some symptoms appear soon after infection. Others appear after some time and indicate the migration of worms in the body, increased intoxication, lack of nutrients or vitamins.
The most common signs of ringworm in adults are:
- Increase in body temperature. Fever can be unexpressed - up to 37. 5 ° C, short-lived. Episodes of increased temperature coincide with periods of exacerbation, accompanied by an increase in various groups of lymph nodes.
- One of the most common signs of the presence of helminths is abdominal pain. Feelings of discomfort have one specific localization - in the navel, liver or movement. The pain is accompanied by breaking the stool, the appearance of impurities in the feces - mucus, blood. Attacks of diarrhea occur more often, but with the blockage of the intestinal lumen by parasites, the development of obstruction is also possible.
- Itching in the anus is the first sign and characteristic symptom of pinworms. Occurs at night, forcing the person to scratch the anus.
- Helminths cause allergic reactions of the skin or respiratory type as a result of the circulation of the products of their decomposition, toxins, in the body. So, a person complains about the worsening of bronchial asthma, the appearance of dermatitis, eczema.
- When infected with worms, beriberi develops. It manifests itself in the form of deterioration of hair, nails, characteristic "jam" in the corners of the mouth, dry skin. Lack of iron in the body causes the development of anemia, pallor of the skin, the appearance of bruises under the eyes.
- Helminths also have a pathogenic effect on the nervous system, due to which the patient is disturbed by headache, irritability, reduced efficiency, interrupted sleep and emotional instability.
- Worms that migrate through the respiratory system (roundworms) cause a person to have bouts of dry cough. With the movement of parasites in the muscles, the development of intoxication, patients complain of pain, pain in the muscles and joints.

The first symptoms of infection can appear within a few days after the penetration of helminths into the body of an adult. They appear more often after 2-3 weeks from the moment of contact with the parasite, and in the case of migratory worms - after months or years.
A combination of different symptoms does not clearly indicate a specific disease, but it is a reason to worry about your health and visit a doctor. If a sick person engages in self-diagnosis, looking for information on how to understand that you have worms, he risks wasting time and getting life-threatening complications.
What is the danger of parasite infection
Helminths in the body not only take the necessary nutrients and vitamins from a person. Worms poison the patient with decomposition products, affecting the internal organs. Parasitic worms in humans can lead to such serious diseases that require emergency surgery, and in some cases, the removal of part of an organ:
- acute intestinal obstruction;
- violation of intestinal integrity with the development of peritonitis;
- appendicitis;
- blockage of the biliary tract;
- eye damage.
Among the delayed consequences of the invasion, which lead to worsening of the condition and death of the patient, are cirrhosis and liver cancer, pneumonia, pleurisy, sclerosis of lung tissue, myocarditis, meningitis, hearing and vision impairment, episyndrome.
How does a worm infection occur?
In order to solve the issue of preventing helminths, it is necessary to have information about where the parasites come from. The most common mechanisms of infection are: alimentary, contact-household, percutaneous, transmissive (associated with blood-sucking insects).

Here are the most typical situations in which worms appear in the body:
- Use of vegetables, fruits, berries or greens contaminated with parasite eggs.
- Eating poorly cooked meat, fish with helminth larvae. Game for feeding that has not passed veterinary control. Thus, trichinella can withstand even longer stewing of meat and maintain its viability.
- Violation of hygiene rules: formal attitude towards washing hands after returning from the street, contact with pets or street animals.
- Bathing in tanks containing worm larvae.
- Contact with soil containing parasite larvae while working in the garden.
- Work in conditions where there is an increased risk of infection with helminths: in children's groups, food, animal husbandry, poultry farming.
Where are worms found in the human body
There are many medical myths about where worms live in the human body. Not all are based on parasitological data. Some helminths occupy different parts of the intestine and multiply in it. Humans can be the main hosts of the parasite. The so-called human worms go through a stage of sexual reproduction in the body, and then come out with feces. In the case of animal helminths, the individual is an intermediate host, within which only the asexual (parthenogenetic) phase is possible. Parasites spread to internal organs, causing their damage. Thus, worms in the human body can be detected:
- under the skin;
- in the liver;
- in the bladder;
- In the eyes;
- in the muscles;
- in the lungs and heart;
- in the brain.
If we consider the descriptions of the life cycle of the helminth in the form of a photo with explanations, we can follow its migration through the body and guess what the main symptoms of the disease will look like.
Diagnosis of worms
Abdominal pain, elevated temperature, skin rash, cough with sputum, inflammatory and allergic changes in the blood count are the basis for checking a person for parasites. Infectious disease specialists recommend laboratory tests to detect the helminth or the immune response to its presence in the body.

The following methods help to identify worms in a person:
- analysis of feces for parasite eggs;
- scraping or smear for enterobiosis;
- immunological tests to detect antibodies to helminths;
- PCR analyzes for worm DNA fragments;
- detection of worms in duodenal contents, tissue biopsy samples.
These methods will help you find out the type of parasite and choose an effective remedy. If internal organs are damaged, the following will help diagnose helminths:
- chest x-ray;
- Ultrasound of the liver, heart, pancreas;
- cystoscopy;
- MRI of the brain.
If necessary, the infectious disease specialist will refer you to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, or urologist.
You should not try to identify helminths yourself, resort to "unique computer diagnostics" outside the medical institution. This will lead to loss of time, deterioration of health.
Treatment of worms in humans
If a disease is detected, the infectious disease specialist will give full recommendations on the treatment of the disease, regimen and diet. If necessary, the doctor will suggest hospitalization in a hospital. There is no single "magic" cure for worms, the symptoms and treatment of helminths in an adult can vary.
You need to know the basic principles of parasite therapy:
- Medicines are used to fight worms. The choice of treatment regimen (dosage, duration of the course, frequency of application) depends on the type of helminth, the condition of the sick person's body.
- In severe cases of illness, help is provided in a hospital setting.
- You should not independently reduce the dose, reduce the duration of treatment with tablets or worm suspension.
- Some drugs require a diet, refusal to drink alcohol.
- There are no "magic" drugs that allow you to quickly get rid of all helminths in 1 day. Short courses are indeed used to treat some worms in humans, but it is impossible to destroy all parasites in the body with one tablet, tincture or ointment.
- Herbal preparations are used in sick people for whom, for health reasons, medicines in the form of tablets or suspensions are contraindicated.
- Antiallergic drugs, hepatoprotectors, enterosorbents, immunomodulators are prescribed as auxiliary therapy. By themselves, they do not help to remove worms from a person, but improve the general well-being of a person, removing unpleasant symptoms of the disease and side effects of treatment.

Folk remedies are used only as an auxiliary method of therapy. Independent use of alternative medicine is fraught with aggravation.
Pharmacy resources
Treatment with drugs from the group of anthelmintic drugs helps to destroy and expel parasites from the body. Pharmaceutical drugs have different points of application:
- interfere with the absorption of nutrients by parasites;
- disrupt the worm's metabolism;
- cause paralysis of the helminth's musculature.
With proper use and prevention of helminthiasis in the future, anti-worm drugs really help a person to permanently get rid of parasites that have settled in the intestines and internal organs. But if the patient ignores elementary rules of hygiene, re-infection with parasites is possible.
Also, an infectious disease specialist can prescribe herbal medicines that help poison and repel worms in humans. The doctor will recommend certain herbs, based on data on the condition of the organism and the type of parasite. To cure the sick, apply: pumpkin seeds, tansy grass and centaury.
Folk remedies for worms
Many patients refuse traditional methods of therapy, hoping for help from traditional medicine. Infectious disease experts warn that attempts to get rid of worms at home with questionable solutions and infusions can lead to increased intoxication and allergic reactions. If you miss the time, the disease will progress, death is possible.

To expel helminths from the body, the following home remedies are widely used:
- onion decoction;
- pomegranate peel;
- enemas and swallowing pumpkin seeds;
- vegetable and sour berry juices without sugar;
- garlic with milk;
- soda enema;
- tincture of wormwood.
Treatment Reviews
Before starting therapy, patients consider various options for fighting parasites, trying to understand how to properly poison helminths. In their reviews, people who have had a helminthic invasion describe traditional drug therapy as a fairly effective method. It is extremely rare to get rid of helminths with folk remedies.
- "I began to worry about itching in the anus. He turned to a therapist, received instructions for scraping. It was very unpleasant that pinworms were found in the scraping. I read how dangerous helminths are and decided not to poison myself by self-medication. On the advice of the doctor, she drankanthelmintic - 1 tablet 1 time a week. The course lasted 2 weeks, I immediately felt relief, the itching disappeared. I believe that it was not such a terrible infection, but the drug worked "perfectly".
- "I got the fungus after eating fish at a party. Diarrhea soon started. I lost weight, my skin became dry and itchy. I studied in detail information on how to treat parasites and how to restore the body later, I started taking an anthelmintic myself. I was embarrassed to go to the doctor. The medicine did not help. I tried to fight the worms with folk methods: I cleaned the liver with bitters, drank milk with garlic and put an enema. But it did not get better. I had to consult an infectious disease specialist, I am treated with anthelminticsfrom the benzimidazole class. By the time I was "ripe" to go to the doctor, I had lost 4 kilos, became pale, nervous. "
Knowing how worms appear in the body, everyone can protect themselves and their loved ones from infection. Prevention includes:
- Washing hands with soap after contact with animals, returning home.
- Regular deworming of pets.
- Timely change of bed linen.
- Regular wet cleaning, ventilation, cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture.
- Eating meat that has passed veterinary control.
- Thorough heat treatment of meat and fish.
- Refusal to eat raw meat, fish, offal.
Helminth infection requires immediate treatment. Pay attention to symptoms such as: diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, skin rash, cough, fever and contact a specialist immediately. After treatment, precautions should be taken to prevent reinfection.